HIGHLIGHTS of Chapter 12: Spiritual Solutions + The first part of my book: Important(!) +
To read the first half of my book, click here:
The file I sent to everyone a couple of days ago was soft-censored by Substack. Go here to read it: https://chriskacher.substack.com/p/the-insane-asylum-important-chapters. When you go to https://substack.com/@chriskacher, you wont see this censored post. You have to click on the gray box to reveal it. Google has also prevented my Substack from being crawled unlike other users.
Here are a few highlights from Chapter 12: Spiritual Solutions
Thank you to all the actors, both good and bad, yes especially the bad, because there is no bad. There is only learning and evolution if you let it in. And to those who are not “bad”, misunderstandings can occur especially when one is unable to communicate.
To those who have reached enlightenment such as Michael Singer, Sadhguru, Dalai Lama, and Gautama Buddha, they are in a permanent state of bliss. Sadhguru says he does not let people or events take away his bliss. Those trolls who try to ruin his reputation do not bother him because their thoughts are theirs, not his. Buddha always laughs because while the outside world tried to tempt him with wealth, women, and fame, he said nothing can compare with his inner state.
How much focus and stability and reverberance in your thought process will determine whether your thought becomes a reality or is just an empty thought. #manifesting
Misunderstandings can always be resolved once all parties know the reasons behind the actions. The issue with lawyers is they sometimes prevent open communication.
To achieve grace, move from personality to presence, practice yoga, unbridled involvement in everything, stop pretending to be big, see all as one, bow down to all. With grace, life goes your way.
When Gautama the Buddha saw that you do not have to do anything in particular for realization, he became fully enlightened.
When you are no-self, a no-thing, it means that you have become all inclusive. If you are something, it means that you can only be that.
AUM Chanting aligns body, mind, emotions, and energy to manifest.
Be grateful for hardship. Why do we play video games? We like the challenge. Why do we love movies where a person succeeds against all odds? We can relate. Hardships are spiritual growing pains. It requires doing inner work via meditation and yoga which are the transformative cures.
It is not about learning or memory but simply being, paying keen attention to every moment.
See your life as an expression of your happiness rather than as a pursuit of it. There is no way to happiness; happiness IS the way.
Whether you walk or dance, work or play, cook or sing, just do it with total attention and awareness.
Be equally involved with everything without any distinction. Put away all hierarchies.
I don’t think with my head but with every cell in my body.
Don’t think about bad in the past or worries in the future, but instead use your mind to create and take action as needed as life unfolds before you.
Fear nothing (stop fearing fear) by not letting people or events destroy your bliss, so live fearlessly. Act as needed when situations arise, knowing that higher source protects and creates beautiful outcomes for all.
Be life sensitive not ego sensitive.
Only when you learn to transform every memory—conscious/unconscious, pleasant/unpleasant, beautiful/horrendous—into joy and well-being are you ready.
Decide to be a mother to the world.
There is no bad
Gautama Buddha always said he has no preferences. I now understand what this means. He is a servant of higher source/God so knows whatever comes his way is for the best. So it's better to not judge events as they come our way because we know so little. Human beings are still in kindergarten when it comes to spirituality and science; we know so little. Einstein said, "One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike. We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us. It is entirely possible that behind the perception of our senses, worlds are hidden of which we are unaware.” Indeed, except for photons, the smallest particles probably are not indivisible but asymptotically trend towards zero in size. The number of galaxies probably trends towards infinity. The multidimensional multiverse is incomprehensible.
When looking back at my life, I realized that both what I considered good and what I considered bad were necessary experiences for my growth. Sometimes something I perceived as good turned out bad in the long run, and something I perceived as bad turned out to be for my greater good and growth. Even the most extreme bad was a blessing in disguise. This is why virtually out of 800 Google employees polled as to whether they would change anything in their past life including the worst mistakes said they wouldn't change a thing. Neither would I.
So I try to do as Michael Singer and Gautama Buddha and Sadhguru all suggest: remain in a state of peace, grace, and love in the present, doing everything with passion so you can take the best action as life unfolds moment to moment. Sadhguru says he does everything with passion from sweeping floors to giving talks.
In light of the above...
Spiritual success means seeing any loss as a gain because it's an opportunity for learning and growth.
Spiritual success means seeing the beauty behind even the worst tragedies as death is a gateway, never the end.
Spiritual success means knowing wealth, fame, and power are limiting if they stand in the way of one's inner growth towards compassion, forgiveness, and love.
Spiritual success means knowing the achievement of worldly success in all its forms must never come at the price of spiritual growth. ☯🙏
Near-death experiences and our soul’s contract
I've come to realize that the secret to a happy life is understanding that everything can be justified or reframed into something good. There is no bad. We then hold no ill will towards anyone or any circumstance. We then create peace, forgiveness, compassion, and understanding which are the themes discussed in the book A Course in Miracles. What some deem evil, others deem good, ie, certain drugs, certain forms of sex, certain forms of governance, left vs right, capitalist vs communist, etc.
There are far more extreme cases as well that would seem like black & white issues from an ethical or moral point of view. For example, a daughter was horribly abused by her mother growing up. Because of this, the daughter (much as Oprah did) had quite a positive impact on others. Years later, when the daughter died in hospital, she met her mother in the beyond who had died some years earlier. Her mother told her it was in her soul's contract to be horribly abusive to her. They reconciled. The daughter was then revived in the hospital and lived to tell this story.
Many other such stories exist from those who have had NDEs (near-death experiences). Some had out of body experiences where they heard conversations or in one case, knew the combination to a hospital safe even though they were on the operating table the whole time. Some scholars have studied NDEs in depth as there have been thousands of testimonials which tend to share common experiences.
Some met their sibling in the beyond even though they grew up as an only child. When revived, their parents were shocked they knew this since it had been kept secret that the mother had had a miscarriage or the sibling had died at birth.
Other examples https://isha.sadhguru.org/.../sri-rama-navami-conducting... show that no matter how bad things get, it is all a test to see if we remain graceful and in a state of peace so we can do the honorable thing. As shown in the prior link, some actually chase disaster because they know it will help deepen their spiritual growth. This is why when 800 employees at Google were asked if there's anything in their life they would change if they could, including the worst things that had happened to them, 99.7% said they would change nothing. I fully agree with this.
I know life’s journey guided by higher source/divinity has always delivered divine protection at the most extreme moments when I completely surrendered. Because of my unique wiring, I've never met anyone who can fully relate to me. My wish since I was little is that someday, everyone can be true to their nature. I know I am not alone in that anyone who can relate may have suffered beyond measure from being deeply misunderstood. I believe I am here to transform beliefs much as it was once considered wrong to use psychedelics, smoke marijuana, date a difference race, date a different religion, or that being any component of LGBTIQA+ was considered an illness. Sadly there are still parts of the world where violating dress code is an imprisonable offense https://www.weforum.org/.../5-countries-with-the.../ and China/Hong Kong still consider the use of marijuana a high crime. The rise of authoritarianism across world governments is diminishing our personal and economic rights. My distant ancestor Ryoma Sakamoto transformed Japan by ushering in the Meiji Restoration which promoted such human rights which led to the modernization of Japan.
Anybody who talks about a place other than this planet as a better place than this, is a crime against humanity. My aim is to destroy the idea of all heavens so people will learn to live well here by raising their inner frequency. Anyone who made a hell out of themselves in their lives looks forward to going to heaven, but death is just a doorway into the next phase. What lies beyond death appears to be a space of infinite love until a soul is assigned a new physical life somewhere in the multiverse. So "heaven" perhaps is just a temporary stop. But do you have any proof that you are not already in heaven and messing it up? Most are not learning how to handle their basic faculties of thought and emotion. You say everyone is like this but that is how it is in a madhouse. Only the doctor looks crazy. Dont suffer your memory (the past) or your imagination (the future). We are human beings which means we can just be in the present as life unfolds and take action as needed.
Our natural state is a blissful state. Each of us is already enlightened but the noise of life clutters our enlightened state. Once Gautama the Buddha figured out all he needed to do to become enlightened was nothing except to rid himself of all that he isn't such as his body and his mind, his negativity vanished. As Alan Watts once said, "Just trust in the universe." This is why the Buddha always laughs. He became a no-thing. This does not mean that you are no use. When you are a no-thing, it means that you have become all inclusive. If you are something, it means that you can only be that. You then become one with all, borderless, boundless, and blissful.
Here are a few highlights from the first section: “Important(!)” of my most recent post.
70% of people in the US are on prescription medication. 52% of women are on anti-depressants. According to the 2022 SAMHSA National Survey on Drug Use and Health, a whopping 36.2% of respondents aged 18-25 reported a diagnosable mental illness according to the DSM IV in the last year. According to the Huberman Lab, about 75% of American adults are overweight and obese; 50% of American adults have prediabetes and diabetes; 30% of teens have prediabetes; 40% of Americans have a mental health diagnosis. It may not come as a surprise that the United States spends the most on prescription drugs by far. How many prescriptions are filed annually in the US? According to the National Library of Medicine, prescription drug use in the US reached a record high in 2020. 6.3 billion prescriptions, or approximately 19 prescriptions per American, were filed that year.
The Hunter Biden case shows the depth of a major cover up that makes Nixon’s Watergate look tiny. But even if you are outraged, dont try to go up against the system.
Now one can get up to life in prison for offensive speech in Canada.
The top institutions of learning are all under seige by DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) and ESG (environment, social, governance).
MSM promotes the US government’s food pyramid which is a pyramid of propaganda. Their recommendation of 6-11 servings of grains per day is one reason why about 40% of Americans are obese.
41% of students in the US said they are depressed. Public school lunches are atrocious. Hashtags like #mentalhealth on TikTok have nearly 88 billion views (as of Jan-2024). In the US, antidepressant usage has surged by nearly 65% in the past 15 years. In the UK, more than one in three (37%) teenagers have been prescribed them, rising to 43% among 19-to-21 year-olds. This is insane.
"Flat-earth" beliefs, encompassing mistaken views from anti-drug and anti-sex to anti-terrorist and anti-money laundering stances, have paved the way for the implementation of laws that erode our fundamental rights.
As for being true to one’s nature, it is understandable that neurodivergent individuals find it hard to trust others when they've faced so much hostility for being different. The irony is that many people secretly wish they could be true to their nature without fear of judgment from others, society, or the law. However, the need for belonging often overrides everything else, leading people to conform to others' expectations. On social media, a common pattern is public scorn but private support. People who privately support someone controversial often lack the courage to do so publicly, fearing the risk of being cancelled.
With your help in sharing the link to this book with others, we can help push humanity forward in such a way that everyone can be true to their nature without being reputationally ruined or imprisoned.
Pavel, Dispenza, and others can help anyone overcome serious health issues. As Joe Dispenza has proven, people can find health within themselves rather than through external experiences or substances. Mind over matter. But as Pavel has also proven, the right substances can also create “miracle” cures against what the medical establishment would believe especially when it comes to anxiety, depression, and autoimmune diseases which affect a shockingly high percentage of people worldwide due to stress, the silent killer.
I had been silent but more recently have been in renewed discussions with a well-known Hollywood producer who specializes in docudramas focusing on significant injustices who shall remain nameless for now. The producer expressed interest in documenting my experiences in the early 2000s, which occurred nearly 25 years ago.
I firmly believe that every being on this planet possesses the capacity to tap into an infinite wellspring of creativity, intelligence, and love, allowing them to make a distinctive contribution. This book serves as a guide for everyone to step beyond fear and into a higher frequency. Zach Bush, MD delivers this beautifully in a heartfelt monologue on Rich Roll's podcast. He reflects on the individuals he has helped revive after being clinically dead, many of whom questioned why they had been brought back to life because when they went beyond, it was the first time they felt fully accepted.
As always, if you see something that can be improved or made more accurate as new data emerges, please write to me here or at chris@teardroprain.com.