THE INSANE ASYLUM [Chapter 1 of 12]: F the Flat Earthers
Table of Contents
How this book can help you
The injustices should make you furious
Chapter 0: Down the rabbit hole
Chapter 1: F the flat-earthers
Chapter 2: The deep state oppression-suppression-repression-persecution-prosecution-cancellation-incarceration-decimation
Chapter 3: Censorship, call out, cancel culture
Chapter 4: Whistleblowers and brilliant minds who were thrown under the bus
Chapter 5: Rights crippling anti-sex laws
Chapter 6: Disinformation
Chapter 7: Biohacking
Chapter 8: My bridge between science and spirituality -- from atheist to spiritualist
Chapter 9: Three mega crises & the hack
Chapter 10: Life as a psylon
Chapter 11: Lifelong bonds
Chapter 12: SOLUTION: Web3 decentralization spawns the future of governance, the network state #EvolutionaryRenaissance
Legal disclaimer: Always consult with your doctor before taking any substance or recommendations made in this book since each of us carries unique epigenetic traits. Environment influences one's epigenetics as well as one's microbiome. This book is not medical advice but serves as a guideline of truths verified by peer reviewed journal articles from respectable universities and research institutions.
Note: Each posted section will be updated whenever there is new information that adds more accuracy to the earlier version. Feel free to check here on my substack for the latest versions (compared to the original you received in your email if you are a subscriber). New chapters will be added to my substack in the coming weeks.
Chapter 1: F the Flat Earthers
Once upon a time, everyone believed the Earth was flat. That didn’t make it so. Galileo was imprisoned by the church for saying the Earth revolved around the sun. Today, many brainwashed by the government-controlled MSM (mainstream media) sit with wrongheaded beliefs whether it be in the areas of drugs, sex, politics, Covid, voting, investing, taxes, religion, or education, among other controversial topics. Those who go against the cultural narrative are branded conspiracy theorists. The CIA came up with this phrase back in the 1960s to easily discredit those who went against the narrative. I've been labeled a conspiracy theorist by a few, even though most of my claims have been substantiated as disinformation's lifespan grows shorter in our era of decentralized information. For example, my claim that the public was heavily manipulated in the Gulf of Tonkin incident was met with derision. Yet when the documents were finally declassified and made public, this manipulation was evident. The documents reveal how the government planned in detail how to win the public’s support for going to war against Vietnam which “opened the floodgates for direct American military involvement in Vietnam.”
A few of the many other conspiracy theories that have been proven true:
MKUltra CIA mind control conspiracy: Back in the 1950s, the CIA secretly dosed individuals with LSD in order to test the potential effects of mind control. The practice reportedly continued for two decades. People were reportedly left with permanent disabilities after secretly being subjected to massive amounts of LSD and electroshock therapy after seeking treatment for “minor psychiatric complaints.”
The Dalai Lama is a CIA agent conspiracy: During the 1960s, the CIA allegedly funneled millions of dollars to the Tibetan Resistance, including what some claim was a six-figure annual “salary” that went directly to the Dalai Lama himself (which he denied). In declassified State Department memos, the organization says: “The purpose of the program … is to keep the political concept of an autonomous Tibet alive within Tibet and among foreign nations, principally India, and to build a capability for resistance against possible political developments inside Communist China.”
Bad booze conspiracy: During Prohibition, the government poisoned alcohol to keep people from drinking.
The truth: Crazy conspiracy theories almost always suggest the government is behind it all—and they were right, again. Between 1926 and 1933, the federal government pushed manufacturers to use stronger poisons to discourage bootleggers from turning the alcohol into moonshine. That didn’t stop the bootleggers or their customers, and by the end of Prohibition, more than 10,000 Americans had been killed by tainted booze.
John Lennon was being watch by the FBI conspiracy: Like many counter-culture heroes, Lennon was considered a threat: “Anti-war songs, like “Give Peace a Chance” didn’t exactly endear former Beatle John Lennon to the Nixon administration,” NPR reported in 2010. “In 1971, the FBI put Lennon under surveillance, and the Immigration and Naturalization Service tried to deport him a year later.” Lennon is one of 13 more notable celebrities you didn’t realize were watched by the FBI.
The government is spying on you conspiracy: In 2016, government agencies sent 49,868 requests for user data to Facebook, 27,850 to Google, and 9,076 to Apple, according to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (the EFF), a major nonprofit organization that defends civil liberties in the digital world and advises the public on matters of internet privacy. You’ve probably also heard that your computer camera could be used to spy on you—here’s the real likelihood someone is watching you through that camera. And today, things are far more extreme.
Canada and the US tried to develop a way to root out homosexuals conspiracy: In the 1960s, the Canadian government hired a university professor to develop a way to detect homosexuality in federal employees. He came up with a machine that measured pupil dilation in response to same-sex-erotic imagery; the Canadian government used it to exclude or fire more than 400 men from civil service, the military, and the Mounties. The American government is just as guilty with these 10 secret U.S. government operations, revealed.
Epstein island: This is the island billionaire Jeffrey Epstein used to have sex with underage girls while inviting his rich friends. It was considered a conspiracy theory for 10 years before it was proven to be true.
The real pandemic
There is an ongoing “flat-earth” pandemic where the majority hold true something that is false. We have seen this through the ages where fear is used to manipulate the public often by MSM. The weaponization of words is as old as the hills. We saw this with McCarthyism’s “Red Scare” where many innocents had their reputations ruined on the false accusation of being a communist, marijuana’s “reefer madness” where weed will make you crazy, psychedelics’s “acid makes your insane”, nuclear energy’s “Hiroshima, Fukushima, 3 Mile Island, Chernobyl” which painted a false perception that many deaths were the result even when accounting for increased rates of cancer, pedophilia’s “your child will be molested”, and terrorism’s “the government is here to protect you”. In every case, a growing number of laws that cripple personal rights have been the end result.
The more one believes the MSM, the more in fear one sits. I should devise a fear meter based on a number of biometrics. One could also call it a stress meter that measures the degree to which one has been brainwashed. So the next time someone gets lividly emotional about some controversial issue, tell them they might be pegging the needle on the fear meter.
MSM is expert at launching disinformation campaigns. MSM focuses on horrifying isolated case examples of rape and drug deaths to trigger public outcry. This has led the public to believe such heinous acts are common. This has formed the foundation for witch hunts and the passage of rights crippling laws. Meanwhile, the majority of the persecuted and prosecuted were innocent. Nevertheless, their lives and reputations were ruined. For example, the number of innocent people who were accused of being communist during the McCarthy era was in the hundreds of thousands. The number of people who have gone to prison for the possession of marijuana is in the millions. The number of people who have gone to prison for victimless drug and sex crimes are in the tens of millions.
Everything is downstream from culture which is why the cultural narrative is so powerful:
In Hong Kong, legendary martial arts actor Jackie Chan’s son and family were disgraced because his son was recreationally smoking weed with a couple friends one evening. His son went to prison for 6 months.
In the UK, teens under the age of 16 go to jail for having sex.
In the UK, teens who are allowed to have sex at the age of 16 go to jail for sexting self-pics with their girlfriends or boyfriends as they are guilty of possessing and disseminating child pornography.
In the UK, BDSM, hentai, and certain manga cartoons have been criminalized.
In the US, the “Age” issue of gay youth magazine XY held hundreds of letters from traumatized young lovers about how their adult lovers were imprisoned since the age of consent is 18 (and 19 in Virginia).
In some countries, Muslim women are required to wear a niqab and long black cloak called an abaya or get sent to prison.
Over a hundred years ago, it was illegal for women in the US to show their bare arms or wear pants in public.
In some countries, being gay or lesbian is still illegal. Age of consent laws are often higher for gay relationships.
What, me controversial?
I am one of the more controversial people on the planet, thus one of the most loved and hated, depending on which side of the fence you sit. That said, these days I am far more understood and therefore loved, but all it takes is one bad actor to try to create issues given how open I am about everything I do. Such a person is usually motivated by their own jealous impulses. I am a law abiding individual but these days, justice has nothing to do with innocence or guilt, but rather, more about hidden agendas that serve to expand billion-dollar (or pound) prison systems.
Another example is Bitcoin's power consumption, which I've argued is superior in terms of cost-effectiveness, but governments use mainstream media to propagate false narratives. I've written an article providing factual support for this argument. My background in nuclear physics, earning a PhD, reflects my analytical and thorough nature, leading me to investigate controversial topics deeply.
Unfortunately, in high-profile cases, such as those where MSM and the Department of Justice vigorously pursue alleged criminals, half-lives can be extended, especially when the alleged criminal is, in fact, a victim. Such instances drove my motivation to create this book.
Much as we have read about how the church ruled over the millenia through fear, severely punishing forward thinkers such as Galileo, I hope to leave a legacy such that future generations will someday be reading historical accounts about our currently still primitive society…
…in which the global supply of money was set at bi-weekly committee meetings by a bunch of septuagenarians.
…that did not yet have separation of money and state, much as we look back at the primitive ways of governments who did not separate church and state once upon a time.
…that saw ayahuasca, mushrooms, iboga, and other plant medicines as illegal, harmful substances.
…that had wars to resolve debt disputes and sinking fiat due to central banking.
…that imprisoned people of all ages for certain drug and sex crimes that were victimless.
…that used the witch hunt ways of the -isms (racism, ageism, religionism, genderism, sexism, ...-ism) to cancel or imprison individuals or deny them their rights.
…that used centralized platforms to enable censorship, voter fraud, and the cancellation/black listing of individuals who went against the cultural narrative.
Flat-earthers abound. The legendary musician Frank Zappa said there is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life. I fully agree while hypocrisy is a worthy contender. 😹
When all is said and done, many have felt misled by the establishment with respect to numerous controversial issues thrown at them over the years, from the Red Scare which ruined many reputations and livelihoods, to reefer madness that cannabis will make you crazy, to the internet’s early days which was riddled with mostly porn and credit card fraud, to bitcoin which is allegedly used mostly for drug and child trafficking and money laundering and consumes too much energy. Meanwhile, forcing people to wear masks and take Covid vaccinations or lose their jobs was an egregious affront to our personal liberties. Masks are all about risk/reward to the individual. For high risk groups, masks made sense to reduce the odds of catching Covid. But the choice should rest with the individual. I made the mask shown below that represents an abrogation of our rights, the destruction of the dollar (and fiat in general) as a consequence of central banks which spur soaring inflation, and Bitcoin being one of the decentralized solutions.
The leftist-driven mainstream media keeps the public under their control through fear. Keep in mind the establishment in the 1960s and beyond had most believing that alcohol was safer than cannabis. Meanwhile, big pharma loves the highly addictive opioids #Clonazepam #OxyContin and at one time, smoking was touted as a breath freshener.
Some flat-earther’s views:
😹Flat-earthers believe the legalization of drugs will create anarchy. The anti-drug movement has imprisoned tens of millions of innocent people. Only now are some parts of the planet waking up to the therapeutic benefits of not just marijuana but also psychedelics such as mushrooms, peyote, and iboga. Microdosing these substances among top level execs has become common. Think of how many more people could have contributed to the economy had they not been ensnarled by the justice system.
😹Flat-earthers believe that Covid lockdowns, quarantines, and vaxxes were the keys to controlling the spread of the virus. Meanwhile, Sweden which was lambasted by the press actually won this battle when the final numbers were tallied without having to compromise their economy. Sweden had one of Europe’s lowest Covid death rates despite shunning most lockdown restrictions, data released by the World Health Organization (WHO) in May 2023 suggested. It covered global excess deaths associated with Covid-19 from January 2020 to December 2021. According to the WHO figures, Sweden had an excess death rate of 56 per 100,000 — well below the global average of 96. By comparison, between 2020 and 2021, the UK’s excess death rate was 109, Spain’s was 111, and Germany’s was 116.
At the beginning of the pandemic, Sweden’s public health officials argued that it would “take years” to see which approaches to combating Covid-19 would be most effective, The Telegraph reported, arguing it would be better to avoid “untested measures”. They also took into consideration the “collateral damage” of lockdown, such as “the missed cancer diagnoses, the cancelled hospital appointments, and the lost education”, the paper said. And the decision “appears to have been vindicated”.
At the end of the first wave of the pandemic in 2020, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicted that Sweden’s economy would shrink by 7%. This proved to be a pessimistic forecast, with the country’s economy shrinking by just 2.8%, “significantly lower” than the EU average of 6% and the UK’s “staggering” 9.8%, said The Telegraph. Sweden’s economy also bounced back from the pandemic faster than any country in Europe.
In consequence, Sweden did not suffer the numerous, often horrifying second order effects. Such effects put Sweden in the lead despite Sweden’s goal of herd immunity putting high risk groups at a disadvantage. Sweden’s lower population density also worked in its favor but for countries with higher population densities, sidestepping the numerous second order effects would still have been more beneficial in the long run than the higher death rates that would have resulted.
The maps below show infection rates and deaths per million. By June 2020, Sweden’s rates of infection were the highest in Europe, but by the following year, the reverse is observed, with higher infection rates reported across most of Europe.
The rest of the world was hit hard. Student socialization scores plummeted as did math and reading test scores. Soaring rates of domestic violence, depression and suicide, post traumatic stress disorder, weakened immune systems, and the disastrous impact on economies, lives, and livelihoods all came to pass. The degree of information suppression was alarming. Youtubers could not even say the word “Covid” without getting penalized. Facebook’s censors would penalize users if what they wrote went against Facebook’s cultural narrative which matched the mainstream. With Big Tech controlling most of the world’s eyeballs, governments make sure such companies obey their wishes when it comes to the control of information.
😹Flat-earthers believe coronavirus symptoms are not being caused by the virus but by 5G.
Click HERE for voice of reason.
😹Flat-earthers believe Bitcoin has no value, failing to understand that it is the network effect and Bitcoin’s underlying mathematics that makes it the only store of value that cannot be inflated away, unlike all forms of fiat currencies. It is why Bitcoin is the only asset that has had numerous bubbles that blew apart, only to reach new highs in price some time later. Unlike fiat, Bitcoin has no central bank, and its decentralized structure provides security, utility, and the borderless transfer of value. This is why the price of Bitcoin continues to rise to new highs against fiat reserve currencies every few years. In many ways, Bitcoin can also act as a store of value similar to gold though it is far more volatile since Bitcoin is still climbing its S-curve. Nevertheless, its gains have been unparalleled having risen by hundreds of millions of percentage points. $1 worth of Bitcoin in 2010 is worth a few million dollars today even after losing around two-thirds of its value.
That said, gold was volatile in the 1970s and can be confiscated, stolen, or lost far more easily than Bitcoin. A friend of ours has 8 figures worth of gold buried in farm land. With Bitcoin, you just need your seed phrase and internet access. Of course, if there's little to no internet nor electricity, the world is then looking at a far more dire situation. In all likelihood, any internet outages are resolved by mesh networks which are designed to override any government blockage of the internet.
😹Flat-earthers believe cryptocurrencies are corrupt, much as they thought the main purpose of internet in the 1990s was used for money laundering, credit card fraud, and porn. Newsweek said it was just a passing fad. While fraudulent activities have been a problem in the cryptospace since they launched, such are always part of the rise of exponentially growing technologies. Tech is always a double-edged sword, but fortunately, the benefits always far outweigh the negatives. In consequence, the number of people owning smartphones, having bank accounts, and access to the internet continues to reach all-time highs.
The cryptospace is currently open to scammers. The US, UK, and EU are proposing onerous regulations that would require all wallet transactions to be recorded. This would classify websites interacting with wallets as brokers, requiring them to issue tax statements. This would be onerous making compliance costly or even non-compliable. This would potentially affect all DeFi apps and services like etherscan. In consequence, many crypto companies would be outlawed because they cannot comply.
We have a solution where we establish rules on a decentralized blockchain-based identity to remove the reliance on third parties. It would be based on a biometric (digital) passport which contains biometric information that can be used to authenticate the identity of a passport holder via a biometrics app. This would address the concerns of governments in terms of tracking crypto transactions by each person having a secure sovereign identity. The owner of the identity can create as many aliases as they want but all would connect back to their biometric passport.
Raido Saar who heads the Estonian Web3 Chamber of which I'm a co-founder met earlier this year with notable professors of cryptography. They said it was one of the most intriguing ideas they ever heard in last few years, worth doing, and are able to do it, with a timeline of probably about 9 months for a MVP. They would acquire eIDAS certificates to give us global trustability. One of the professors has done this for himself already.
The creator of Cardano agrees on decentralizing identities for AML/KYC but says that currently, legacy identity providers that provide information like credit scores disincentivize customers from using DeFi.
😹Flat-earthers support certain rights crippling anti-sex laws, failing to see how such laws are a slippery slope towards the decimation of our rights. As it has been said, when laws control the population’s sexual interests, that government controls the population. That said, I want to make it clear that I believe the most heinous crime is to damage a young life. The next generation are our future innovators and leaders. Other serious crimes are sexual, physical, and/or emotional abuse against *anyone*of any age. In 1992, Sinead O’Connor justifiably tore up a picture of the Pope on live television because of her accurate beliefs of sexual child abuse within the Catholic church, yet at the time, she was demonized by the public for what they considered a sacrilegious act.
Religion is one of the largest double-edged swords. It is arguable which side is sharper, ie, whether more good or evil has come from it. It has been and will continue to be used as an armor of false virtue by some. In the case of sexual abuse, it was used by priests to cover up their horrifying crimes. The suppression of information was rampant. In January 2018, referring to a particular case in Chile, Pope Francis accused victims of fabricating allegations;[21] by April, he was apologizing for his "tragic error",[22] and by August was expressing "shame and sorrow" for the tragic history.[23]
In a devastating twist, anti-sex laws often end up adversely affecting the very individuals they are intended to safeguard. While forcing a child is one of the worst crimes, what kids also consider harmful are the parents’ and teachers’ reactions to sex. Children who willingly engaged in sex not by force only consider themselves dirty after their parents and society say they’ve been ruined. Young people are highly impressionable. For example, studies have shown that children who were told they were in the smart group scored statistically higher than those who were told nothing.
I operate by FIRST PRINCIPLES because they clear the noise on complex matters. One first principle suggests that sex and sexual curiosity are as natural as breathing so any culture, law, religion, or judgement that impedes this natural behavior is destructive. In consequence, young people are constantly victimized by the cultural narrative that sex in various forms is evil. This is brought on by religion or by fear. Those who have feelings that are labeled as wrong grow up with feelings of guilt, unable to relate to others in a healthy manner. I was such a victim. It is the reason I always friendzoned myself. I never make the first move with words or actions when it comes to romance. Fortunately, the right ones aren’t so shy so the right bonds have always come into my life at the right time. I didn’t realize it but I was indirectly manifesting what I desired. It is otherwise too coincidental. In consequence, I am blessed with a number of lifelong bonds I’ve made with the right individuals.
This all emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the fundamental human nature of curiosity and sexual expression as intrinsic aspects of life. It underscores that any culture, legal system, religion, or social judgement that obstructs or stigmatizes these natural behaviors can have detrimental consequences. Young individuals, in particular, may find themselves adversely affected by societal narratives that portray various forms of sexual expression as inherently negative or sinful.
When people are made to feel that their natural feelings and desires are wrong or immoral, it can lead to a pervasive sense of guilt and shame. These negative emotions can hinder their ability to form healthy, open, and honest relationships with others, both on emotional and sexual levels.
Recognizing and respecting the natural inclinations and curiosity related to sexuality, and promoting open and non-judgemental conversations about it, can be crucial for fostering healthy, informed, and well-adjusted individuals within a society. This perspective aligns with the idea that understanding and accepting human nature can contribute to greater well-being and more fulfilling relationships.
Meanwhile, some laws should not even be laws in the first place when there are no victims. I am a pacifist so firmly believe decentralized web3 technology will greatly diminish government corruption and control over our lives.
When you combine these laws with overparenting, the influence of social media (teenagers spend on average nine hours a day with screens), the impact of Covid lockdowns, being told they are fragile, being bombarded with fear-based articles by MDM, and additional legal constraints on young people, you end up with a generation that lacks proper socialization, burdened by sexual guilt, and ill-equipped to cope with life's challenges. This phenomenon contributes to the declining birth rates observed in developed nations worldwide.
Moreover, parents tend to download their own anxieties and fears onto their children, resulting in young individuals viewing the world through a lens colored by profound anxiety.

Consequently, it's no surprise that 41% of students in the United States exhibit symptoms of depression, which is an unprecedented high.
It is appalling that teens in the UK can be sent to prison for sexting each other then branded as sex offenders on their criminal record. This destroys a young life before it has even started. The UK enacted laws that makes it illegal full stop for anyone under the age of 16 to have sex. Child porn has been weaponized by justice systems. While two 16 year olds can legally have sex, if they sext each other by sending nude selfies, they are then guilty of possessing and distributing child porn. Also damaging are the definitions around child porn. The least serious level categorized as child porn is someone appearing to be under the age of 18 grabbing his or her crotch in a sexually suggestive manner, or a female grabbing her breasts in such a manner. A censored article exclaimed that more than 100 million Facebook users would be guilty according to UK law. Further, UK law says anyone that appears to be under the age of 18 falls under child pornography laws unless that person can be proven to have been at least 18 at the time the picture was taken. But unless there’s some sort of time-stamp, how do you prove such a thing? The problem here is that today’s 30 year old looks like yesterday’s 15 year old (see images below). Even in times past, some characters looked much younger than their actual age as shown below. Keyword search in chapter 5 “Ludicrous injustice” for a deep discussion on this issue.
Here is Chad Rogers in season three of Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles. He is 32 years old in these pictures:
Chad Rogers looks about the same age as Matt Dillon who plays a 15 year old in the 1982 movie Tex. Dillon was 16 years old when the filming took place.
Any guess as to how old this individual was when these pics were taken?
He was twenty-six years of age(!) I have been friends with him for over a decade since he was 19 years old. His close friend Billy who was of similar age had an entry on his Facebook page that said, “Hey biatches, I still look like I’m in puberty, jealous much?? LOL”
The highly visited (Alexa ranking between 100k-200k) than ran for more than fifteen years featured some models that had certified age verification certificates but looked around 14-15 years old. The UK tried to prosecute such images but failed. The site has recently been taken down but the images and videos are still easily accessible on major pornography sites such as xtube and pornhub. Now, those caught with such images will find it impossible to prove the age of the models to be 18+. It’s a brilliantly disturbing loophole in the justice system. Indeed, these crimes are often victimless but existing laws give the government much control over a person’s life.
Keep in mind that part of natural biological development as was pointed out by legendary scientist Carl Sagan and bestselling author Neale Donald Walshe in book 3 of his “Conversations with God” series of books is that it is not only natural for a person’s sex drive to peak in one’s teen years but prepubescent children are often sexually curious, get erections, and learn to masturbate well before puberty. But in today’s world, such claims are too shocking to the adults who seem to have forgotten their childhoods. But this is understandable since the need for belonging is one of the greatest human needs, thus many studies have shown that one can easily suppress past memories if it leads to feelings of deep guilt due to the cultural narrative that says it’s wrong to have experienced these things in childhood.
FIRST PRINCIPLES suggest that when it comes to anything related to sex or sex play, it comes down to whether both participants are willing or curious. Think of your own feelings and experiences. Sex or sex play with someone you find attractive vs. someone to whom you hold zero interest makes all the difference. It comes down to wanted vs unwanted. The key is that the choice rests with you. This is true across all ages.
What shocks adults often doesn’t shock kids especially when it comes to sex. The ones that know little to nothing aren’t affected by seeing the natural act of sex because they have no reference points. Further, we are made from sex so FIRST PRINCIPLES suggest that why would seeing something so natural cause harm? Why would something as natural as sex ever be shocking to a curious child? Monkey and bonobo children have no negative experiences from seeing sex among their own kind. It is only when force is used against them that harm occurs.
Religion and culture are the culprits to false beliefs. Sadhguru writes, “Make a list of all the things that the major religions of the world call a “sin,” and you will find that just to be alive is a sin. If you are born it is a sin; if you menstruate, it is a sin; if you copulate, it is a sin. Forget all this, even if you so much as eat a chocolate, you could commit a sin. Since the very process of life is a sin, you live in perennial guilt and terror. If people were not so wracked by fear and guilt, the temples, mosques, and churches in the world would not be as congested as they are now. If you were naturally joyful, you would go and sit on the beach, or listen to the whisper of the leaves on the tree. Only because religions have instilled such a sense of fear and shame are you ashamed of your very biology! Now you have to go to someplace that is considered “holy” to wash it off.””
Children often experiment on each other. As distasteful as this sounds, a now fully grown adult recalled a memory from his youth. A neighborhood man had him and other neighborhood kids over to play when they were between the ages of 7–10. He fondly recalled playing “Old Faithful” where the kids would tug at his penis until the man had an orgasm. The kids would then fall all over each other in peals of giggles and laughter. Sometimes they would sex play with each other. As a 9 year old, he didnt think there was anything wrong with it. As an adult, he still doesn’t feel there was anything wrong with it. The man never forced any child to do anything sexual against their will. Many stayed close friends with the man as they grew into adulthood and beyond.
Some cultures say under 18s cannot give sexual consent; this is biologically twisted. The age of consent laws are supposed to prevent predators from molesting or raping someone underage, but laws already exist to protect these individuals as well as others of any age. An adult female who is raped is often just as traumatized as someone underage. Laws were already created outside of the age of consent laws to protect all age groups. Such laws punish bad behaviors with rules for how to deal with them when they happen. In keeping with this, if an act of sexual force against anyone of any age were to occur, the predator must be made to feel such extreme guilt and face appropriate measures for their heinous crime. Ideally, future institutions would quarantine and cure such people so they could once again become productive members of society. In the meantime, all we have are dysfunctional prisons which not only fail to change this criminal behavior but make things psychologically worse for the prisoner so they remain unable to contribute to the productivity of society, or worse, they become even more dangerous. In the case of a false accusation, the innocent prisoner is often turned into a criminal from the unthinkably harsh life in prison.
Incidentally, the links to research articles that went against the cultural narrative when it comes to controversial sex matters have been removed from the internet. The originals obviously still exist at their respective universities or research institutions but the number of eyeballs that actually read the articles gets reduced to near zero since who would know where to look or take the trouble to go to that particular university’s library? If any resurface on the internet, please email the link to or
As Neale Donald Walsch writes in his bestselling book, Conversations with God- Part 3, as well as in "The Man they called a Monster" by Paul Wilson, many kids are sexual well before puberty. In my travels, many who had loving childhoods have admitted they had sexual feelings from very early ages. It was only when society condemned such feelings that they were made to feel like they had done something wrong. Such fear-born reactions can be traumatic to a child. Indeed, it was traumatic to me as I tried to express myself sexually from a very early age even though I had no sexual trauma whatsoever and grew up in a loving, nurturing household. The reactions of family and teachers were psychologically harmful. That said, any adult who abuses someone underage must be punished or, better yet in a future society, repaired in a proper loving treatment center. Such a person probably lacked love in their life from early childhood.
One may ask what is the evolutionary advantage for homosexuality or age different relationships? For humans and many other animals, sex is not just about reproduction. We shouldn’t limit our thinking about the evolution of sex to its reproductive functions. We must also consider its social functions. In our closest primate relative, the bonobo, sex whether age similar or age different create social bonding. This increases communication, understanding, and social play while reducing aggression. While much abuse exists within bonobo populations, this abuse is always from ostracization or force, never the sex itself if consensual. This should be a big clue to human beings but somehow, all the political noise, MSM brainwashing, and fear-mongering continues to obscure and stifle the truth.
Sidebar: Maybe we should arrest those who engage in plant pornography. Imagine a pair of cacti mating under the “rough” category on some porn site lol. It would become a thriving business if made illegal by further bolstering the multi-billion dollar prison buildout which offers the cheapest labor.
😹Flat-earthers worry about over population. By contrast, Elon Musk has said the slowing birth rate will create massive issues for future generations. It weakens the demographics of a nation and is one of the reasons India’s economy will continue to blossom in the coming decades. More minds make for greater productivity.
😹Flat-earthers like to view the world as linear which is seeing work as “I put in 12 hours of work, I get back 12 hours of output”. Doesn’t work that way. Guy running the corner grocery store is working just as hard or harder than you and me. How much output is he getting? What you do, who you do it with, and how you do it, is way more important than how hard you work. Outputs are non-linear based on the quality of the work that you put in. The right way to work is like a lion. We are not like cows. We’re not meant to graze all day. We’re meant to hunt like lions. We’re closer to carnivores in our omnivorous development than we are to herbivores.
😹Flat-earthers like to think Bitcoin is just for criminal activities yet fiat banking scandals are rampant. Nearly half a trillion dollars of laundered money from Danske Bank and other major banks was uncovered. Meanwhile, blockchain’s transparency is a godsend for governments as it can eventually stop such activities in their tracks. Furthermore, decentralized technology such as Bitcoin will put an end to major global hot wars and nuclear wars as brilliantly detailed by MIT’s Jason Lowery.
😹Flat-earthers say AI/automation will put many people out of work. Technology has been developing since the dawn of time. When electricity came along, that put a lot of people out of work. A lot of people carrying buckets of water and lighting lamps were out of work. Tech frees people up for new creative work. The question is not whether AI is going to eliminate jobs. For every job new tech destroys, it typically creates at least two new ones. We’re not sitting around dividing up the same jobs that were around since the Stone Age. The number of jobs since the early 19th century have more than kept up with population growth. Obviously new jobs are being created that are usually better and more creative since manual labor has dropped substantially over the last century. Yet flat-earthers fail to see that a podcast was going to be a job or that playing video games was going to be a job or that commentating on video games was going to be a job. The real question is, how quickly can you retrain people? Instead of Universal Basic Income, we should have retraining programs every number of years depending on the job. Indeed, technological automation will replace every non-creative job or every non-creative work. But that’s great news. That means that all of our basic needs are taken care of and what remains for us is to be creative, which is really what every human being wants.
Factions / globalization / authoritarianism
Whether one is a flat-earther or not, the world is full of factions which spur the trend towards globalization which is a term used to describe centralization with higher barriers between political groups. Indeed, civil unrest and political differences within and between countries are at record levels. Both are divisive and hateful creating an 'us vs them' mindset. It is plaguing the planet. Authoritarianism which plagues most all governments is either a side effect that grew like a cancer or the cause... or more likely, both.
The founding fathers of the US wrote the following:
Yet the first question these days is sadly: "Are you in my tribe?" All else follows from that.
Q: Why are there so many flat-earthers who hold mistaken beliefs about reality on so many levels?
A: Public education has been weaponized and politicized so most students don’t ever develop the ability to think for themselves. This is intentional. China’s Mao Zedong exiled or killed 19 million students from educated, wealthy families because this generation was most likely to overthrow his corrupt regime. Further, with central bankster corruption, soaring inflation, and the sinking of fiat currencies, most people don’t have the time to research these controversial issues, but instead, assume MSM is telling the truth. Others are just mentally lazy to do any real analysis to uncover the deep distortions and lies. I found that the closer I am to a real-life news event, the more inaccuracies I find in the news article. When it comes to something controversial such as some of the individuals I highlighted in Chapter 4: Whistleblowers, the truth-to-lies ratio is typically 1:100.