Timely flash sale due to the crashing crypto markets
// FLASH SALE // With the major selloff in cryptocurrencies, people are moving their money into pure stablecoins such as tether. Meanwhile…
// FLASH SALE // With the major selloff in cryptocurrencies, people are moving their money into pure stablecoins such as tether. Meanwhile, one of the first HYBRID ‘stablecoins’, the HanseCoin’s VPAT, can also be used as a safe haven vehicle as its value is pegged to its underlying asset in EUR denominated real estate. Your crypto is used to buy ETH which is used to buy the HANS token. The value of your purchase is pegged to the value of the EUR at the time of the transaction, so even if cryptocurrencies continue to free fall, your money and its value is unaffected.
Open to all early birds and newcomers HanseCoin is consequently doing another 24-hour flash sale alongside its ongoing private sale (for larger tickets). There is a 2% discount across the board. It starts at 8:30 pm EE (6:30 pm GMT).